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by Alina Adriana Minea


Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi - Romania

The book is an easy journey into Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, from basics to applications. Combining findings from the vast amount of literature available with personal research results, this text provides a useful treatise on the principal concepts and practical design engineering aspects of heat and mass transfer. The book includes the needed background in fluid mechanics to facilitate the readers. The major objective in writing this book has been to bring the material up to date and make it as clear as possible. New correlations have been introduced for forced and natural convection and for convective boiling. Through the explanation of basics of heat and mass transfer within the framework of transfer theory, the text goes on to review all heat and mass transfer mechanisms and their practical applications. This book is meant for researchers, teachers and students in their introductory heat and mass transfer course.

The text can be used for educational, research, industrial and applied purposes.


Preface Contents. Part I - Basic Concepts: Introduction in transfer processes, Heat transfer fundamentals, An introduction to mass transfer; Part II - Analysis of Heat conduction: Analysis of heat conduction and some steady one-dimensional problems, Transient heat conduction; Part III - Convective heat transfer: Convection in single-phase fluids, Convection during film condensation, Heat transfer in boiling; Part IV - Thermal radiation heat transfer: Radiative heat transfer; Part V - Mass transfer: Diffusion mass transfer; Part VI - Heat transfer enhancement: Techniques for intensifying heat transfer; Part VII -  Heat and mass transfer applications: Gas dynamics of electric resistors furnaces, Applications of heat transfer in heated enclosures, Fluidization, Forced convection in a variety of configurations;  References.


About the Author:

Minea A. Alina Adriana was born on 15-th of June, 1971, in Barlad, Romania. In 1994 she finished her academic studies at Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, and in 2000 reached her doctoral degree. The author’s major field of study is heat and mass transfer. She published over 80 articles (19 are in international peer-reviewed journals) and authored or co-authored 8 books, most of them in heat transfer area. Current research interests are in heat transfer in industrial equipments, based on modifying heat chamber geometry and improving energy consumptions. Dr.Minea is a member in Eumat international organization, as well as in AGIR national society, International Network of Women in Engineering Sciences (INWES International) and ASME International.
She received many awards with one of her patents: “Procedure for Heat transfer efficiency in classical electrical furnaces used for medium temperature heat treatment”. Now she is associate professor at Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, one of the greatest universities from Romania. Her professional activity is based on teaching and research. As a reviewer she participated in peer review for many international journals and conferences, as well as for national grants and study programmes. As a researcher she has 3 national grants awarded as principal investigator and more than 15 as team member. She is currently a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards for “Metalurgia Journal” and “Metalurgia International Journal”.

Bibliographic details:
Paperback, 200 pages, publication date: April, 2009
ISBN 978-88-96329-01-6
Imprint: Praise Worthy Prize

Price and Ordering:
Price: 30.00 euros

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