4th International Conference on

Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials

CEAM 2012-VF

November 12th - 26th, 2012

Sponsored by:

Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.





Virtual forum



Call for papers
Submission info
Special sessions
Accepted papers

Conference Secretariat:


CEAM 2012 sponsorships:


Federico II

University of Naples

Virtual Forum


Dear Colleagues,


Involved in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Materials and Mechanical Engineering, it is my pleasure and privilege on behalf of the Organizers to invite you to the 4th Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (CEAM) VIRTUAL FORUM, November 12th - 26th, 2012, organized by the Editorial board of  the International Review of Chemical Engineering Rapid Communications (IRECHE) and by the Publishing House Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.


We already enjoyed 3 editions of this innovative scientific form successfully performed in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The main outcomes of this initiative were successful scientific forums accessible from any point of the globe and high quality scientific articles published in the special issues of International Review of Chemical Engineering


In contrast to the face-to-face counterparts the virtual conference runs through the web providing an advanced collaborative environment for participants from every corner of the world to share their knowledge while carrying on their regular scholarly duties and without problems of physically traveling.


Initially, the idea of CEAM 2012-VF was accepted as a mixture of enthusiasm and doubts but finally we and the participants, too, recognized the forum as an effective and very convenient form for dissemination of scientific results. To those who are no aware about the practice of CEAM 2012-VF many answers of emerging questions are available in the FAQ link of the conference website. Moreover, you may see and download either the CEAM 2012-VF proceedings from the two preceding events or the special issues of journal containing collections of the best articles selected by the scientific committee.


Advantages of the virtual forum:

  • Attend from your desktop (No special software needed), no time away from the office!

  • No passport required

  • Hold low-cost, long-distance get-togethers without leaving your university

  • As the conference is being organized online, delegates will save on travel time and all expenses related to conference meals, boarding and lodging – while still getting an opportunity to network with others, share their work and listen to others on a truly global scale.

  • Now many problems caused by the quality of the spoken English of non-native English speaker are avoided.

  • The problem of the time zones is avoided and you attend the forum from any point of the world and in any time from your laptop.

All your comments addressing technical problems and new ideas concerning the CEAM 2012-VF performance are welcome. You may send them either to me or to Mrs. Anna Bosso or to Mrs. Francesca Scialla.

The CEAM 2012-VF spans two weeks and the end of the year which avoids any problems with holidays in Europe, America and Asia, trying to attract as much as possible attendees worldwide and assure 24h access to the forum.

Finally, we hope the final result of CEAM 2012-VF will be quite positive and more high quality articles will be published in the special collections of International Review of Chemical Engineering .




Please mark your calendars to attend to the


4th International Conference on

Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials

CEAM 2012-VF


November 12th - 26th, 2012




We are expecting your abstracts and manuscript submitted in time to the CEAM 2012-VF secretariat and looking forward to your valuable contributions endorsing this scientific project.



Jordan Hristov,

Chair of CEAM 2012-VF and Editor-in-Chief of IRECHE



Please send any questions about this web site to info@praiseworthyprize.it
Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.