1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering - ICOME 2010


June 7th - 21th, 2010


Sponsored by:

Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.





Virtual forum



Call for papers
Submission info
Special sessions
Accepted papers

Conference Secretariat:


ICOME 2010 sponsorships:


Federico II

University of Naples

International Steering Committee



Ahn Jeongmin U.S.A Washington State University - School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Awrejcewicz Jan POLAND Technical University of Lodz Department of Automatics and Biomechanics
Benim  Ali Cemal GERMANY Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences
Bogdan Stjepan CROATIA Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Bontemps Andrè FRANCE LEGI/CEA- Greth Universite Joseph Fourier
Chernousko Felix RUSSIA Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Choon Ng Kim SINGAPORE Dept.of Mechanical & Production Engineering, National University of Singapore 
Espinosa Horacio U.S.A Department of Mechanical Engineering Northwestern University
Etsion Izhak  ISRAEL Dept. of Mechanical Engineering –Technion – IIT
Fransson Torsten SWEDEN Dept. of Energy Technology - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Friswell Michael I. U.K. Swansea University - School of Engineering
Ghaddar Nesreen LEBANON Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Architecture American University of Beirut
Greco Adriana ITALY DETEC (Dept. of Energetics, Thermofluidodynamics and Environmental Control), Federico II University, Naples
Herakovich Carl T. U.S.A Department of Civil Engineering The University of Virginia
Hui David U.S.A Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of New Orleans
Kim Heuy-Dong KOREA School of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University
Kurutz Marta HUNGARY Department of Civil Engineering Mechanics, Technical University of Budapest
Mang Herbert A. AUSTRIA Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures  Vienna University of Technology 
Meyer Josua P. SOUTH AFRICA Dept.of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria
Mohammadi Bijan FRANCE Institut de Mathématiques et de Modélisation de Montpellier Université Montpellier II
Müller-Steinhagen Hans GERMANY Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)  and
Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering, University of Stuttgart  
Oñate Eugenio SPAIN International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Panigrahi Pradipta Kumar INDIA Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Rakopoulos Constantine GREECE Internal Combustion Engines Lab.School of Mechanical Engineering National Technical University of Athens
Suarez Raul SPAIN Institut de Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Timoney David J. IRELAND School of Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical Engineering, University College Dublin
Tsatsaronis George GERMANY Technische Universitat Berlin, Institute for Energy Engineering
Vautrin  Alain FRANCE Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Yabuno Hiroshi JAPAN Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba
Zhao Tim S. HONG KONG Center for Sustainable Energy Technology The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology


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