2nd International Conference on Modelling and Simulations

ICOMOS 2011 - VF


July 11th - 25th, 2011

Sponsored by:

Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.





Virtual forum



Call for papers
Submission info
Special sessions
Accepted papers

Conference Secretariat:


ICOMOS 2011 sponsorships:


Federico II

University of Naples

Call for Papers

Aims of the Conference

Praise Worthy Prize organizes the 2nd International Conference of Modelling and Simulations – ICOMOS Virtual Forum, in July 11th-25th, 2011.

The Conference has the same topics of the International Review on Modelling ans Simulations (IREMOS) and the International Steering Committee of the Conference is made up by members of the Editorial Board of IREMOS. The papers submitted for the Conference should respect the same rules following for a publication on IREMOS.

The best papers accepted for the Conference will be published also on a special issue of the International Review on Modelling and Simulations - IREMOS and therefore will be abstracted on the best databases. 

The 2nd ICOMOS-VF aims to provide an international forum for exchange of ideas and future trends amongst researchers, students, consultants and practitioners.

Industry, research, and academia are cordially invited to participate in the wealth of presentations and tutorials for the advancement of science, technology, engineering education and fellowship.


Technical Topic Areas


A.        Theoretical aspects on modelling and simulation,

(formalization and languages, methodology and application of modelling, verification and validation and so on)

B.        Methods and algorithms for design control and validation of systems,

(numerical techniques, optimisation techniques, evolutionary techniques, fuzzy systems, intelligent simulation and so on)

C.       Tools for high performance computing simulation,

(virtual reality, simulation software, simulators and so on)

D.        Modelling, Numerical studies, Algorithms and Simulations regarding the electrical engineering:

(power system, power electronics, automotive applications, power devices, energy conversion, electrical machines and control of electrical drives, lighting systems)

E.     Modelling, Numerical studies, Algorithms and Simulations regarding the mechanical engineering:

(kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies, vehicle system dynamics, theory of machines and mechanisms,  vibration and balancing of machine parts, stability of mechanical systems, computational mechanics, advanced materials and mechanics of materials and structures, plasticity, hydromechanics, aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, biomechanics, geomechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, refrigeration, fluid mechanics, micromechanics and nanomechanics, robotics and  mechatronics, combustion theory, turbomachinery, manufacturing processes, new technology processes, non-destructive tests)

F.     Modelling, Numerical studies, Algorithms and Simulations regarding the chemical engineering:

(process fluid dynamics, transport phenomena, chemical reaction engineering, environmental chemical engineering, materials synthesis and processing, coating processes and technology and so on)



Working Language
The working language of the conference is English, which is used for all printed material, presentations and discussion.




Individual Contributors:

  • Abstract submission Deadline: February 20th, 2011   March 31th, 2011

  • Abstract Acceptance notification: February 27th, 2011    March 31th, 2011

  • Tutorial and special session proposals: March 15th, 2011   April 10th, 2011

  • Full text submission Deadline: April 30th, 2011

  • Notification for full text Acceptance: May 15th, 2011

  • Registration: by on-line submission of a Registration Form – by May 20th to June 20th, 2011

  • Conference access:  July 11th, 2011 (09:00 GMT+1)


(Viewers are single scientists, groups of scientists, or Societies and Institutions that prefer to participate to the conference without to submit a paper).

  • Registration: by submission of a registration form – by May 20th to June 20th, 2011

  • Conference access: July 11th, 2011 (09:00 GMT+1)



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